A great book for anyone wanting to know what it's like to be on the front lines of a mission to
perhaps the most fascinating planetary body in the solar system. Lorenz and Mitton bring home
the fact that planetary exploration is not a faceless enterprise done by anonymous men in white
coats but a personal adventure carried along by real people with real charisma real quirks
and real lives.--Mike Brown California Institute of Technology This book could hardly be more
timely. Titan is inarguably one of the most intriguing objects in the solar system and the
wealth of new information revealed by the successful Cassini-Huygens mission is revolutionizing
our knowledge of this mysterious moon. Lorenz and Mitton are well qualified for the project
and have written a very compelling book.--Edwin L. Turner Princeton University This is the
first trade book that looks at the mission results in a comprehensive way. It gives a summary
of our knowledge of Titan prior to the probe describes the history of the probe project and
discusses the results from the mission. I am not aware of any books like this one.--Christopher
P. McKay NASA Ames Research Center Titan Unveiled is an authentic and lively insider's account
of one of the grand enterprises in modern space exploration. The authors present a compelling
human story of interplanetary exploration rich in detail and strong on science. Readers get an
authoritative description of many of the latest results from Cassini.--Richard G. French
Wellesley College and Cassini Radio Science Team