A dream is a wish your heart makes|A spoonful of sugar|After the ball|All my loving
Beatles|Annie's song Denver John|Anniversary song|As long as he needs me|Ballade pour Adeline
Clayderman Richard|Basin street Blues|Be back soon|Bibbidi bobbidi boo|Bright eyes|Bring me
sunshine|Carolina moon|Chim chim cheree|Cielito lindo|Consider yourself|Country
gardens|Crossroads|Don't cry for me Argentina|Falling in love again|Fiddler on the roof|Food
glorious food|Fortuosity|Give a little whistle|Greensleeves|Hawaii five O|Honeysuckle rose|How
can I tell you Stevens Cat|I don't know how to love him|I think we're alone now|I'll be your
sweetheart|Imagine Lennon John|Karma chameleon Culture Club|Knowing me knowing you
Abba|Kum ba yah|La ci darem la mano (aus Don Giovanni) Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus|Little april
shower|Little Boxes|Love me tender|Lullaby of birdland|Memories are made of this|Michelle
Beatles|Moonglow|Morning has broken|Move over darling|My colouring book|My oh my|Never
never|Never smile at a crocodile|Nocturne|Norwegian wood Beatles|Auf den Flügeln des Gesangs
Mendelssohn Bartholdy Felix|Oom pah pah|Penny Lane Beatles|Pick a pocket or two|Please don't
fall in love|Prelude d-moll|Prelude G-Dur|Radetzky Marsch op 228 Strauss (Sohn)
Johann|Reviewing the situation Bart Lionel|Romanze G-Dur Anonymus|Roses from the
south|Sailing|Save your kisses for me|Scarborough fair|Scottish dance|See you later Alligator
Haley Bill|Serenade|She's leaving home Beatles|Sing|Smile|Spanish eyes|Steptoe and
Sonate|Strawberry fields forever Beatles|Streets of
London|Supercalifragilisticexpialidcious|Swing low sweet chariot|Swingin' shepherd blues|The
ballad of Davy Crockett|The entertainer Joplin Scott|The last thing on my mind|They don't
know|This ole house|Truly scrumptious|Underneath the arches|Waterloo Abba|Wednesday's
child|When a felon's not engaged in his employment|When I'm sixty four Beatles|When the
saints go marching in|Where have all the flowers gone Seeger Pete|Where is love|Who do you
think you are kidding Mr Hitler|Who will buy|With a little help from my friends Beatles|Y
viva Espana|Yellow submarine Beatles|Yesterday once more Carpenters|You need hands