O lord our god (we will magnify)|Father let me be|All hail the lamb|All heaven declares|All I
once held dear|And he shall reign|As the deer|As we are gathered|At the foot of the cross|At
the name of Jesus|At your feet|Be bold be strong|Be still for the presence of the lord|Be thou
my vision|Beauty for brokenness (God of the poor)|Behold the lord|Blessed be the name of the
lord|Blessing and honor|Broken for me|By your side|Come and see|Come on and celebrate|Creation
is awaiting|Down the mountain the river flows (The river is here)|Faithful god|Faithful
one|Father god I wonder|Father in heaven|Father I place into your hands|For I'm building a
people of power|For the joys and for the sorrows|For this purpose|For unto us a child is born
(aus Messias) Händel Georg Friedrich|From heaven you came helpless babe (The servant
king)|Give thanks with a grateful heart|God of glory we exalt your name|God of grace|God will
make a way|Great is the darkness|Great is the lord|Great is thy faithfulness|He has risen|He is
exalted|He is the lord|He rescued me|He's given me a garment of praise|Here I am wholly
available|Holiness unto the lord|Holy spirit we welcome you|Hosanna|How can I be free from
sin|How deep the father's love for us|How good and how pleasant|How lovely on the mountains
(our god reigns)|I am a new creation|I believe in angels|I believe in Jesus|I believe the
promise|I could sing unending songs|I give you all the honour|I want to be out of my depth in
your love|I want to serve the purpose of god|I was made to praise you|I will offer up my life|I
will worship|I worship you almighty god|I'm accepted I'm forgiven|I'm special|I the lord of sea
and sky|In heavenly armour|Isn't he beautiful|It's your blood|Jesus Christ (One again)|Jesus is
king|Jesus is lord|Jesus is the name we honour (Jesus is our Dog)|Jesus put this song into our
hearts|Jesus shall take the highest honour|Jesus Jesus|Jesus lover of my soul|Jesus we
celebrate your victory|Jesus we enthrone you|Jesus you are changing me|King of kings
majesty|Lamb of god|Led like lamb (you're alive)|Let there be love|Let your living water
flow|Lift up your heads|Living under the shadow of his wing|Lord for the years|Lord I come to
you|Lord i lift your name on high|Lord the light of your love|Lord we long for you|Lord you
have my heart|Majesty|Make me a channel of peace (Prayer of St Francis)|Make way make way|May
the fragrance|Meekness and majesty (This is your god)|Men of faith (shout to the north)|Mighty
god|More love more power|My Jesus my saviour|My lips shall praise you|My lord what love is this
(Amazing love)|No longer mine lord|O god of burning cleansing flame|O lord my god (how great
thou art)|O lord your tenderness|Only by grace|Open your eyes lord|Open your eyes|Our god is an
awesome god|Over the mountains and the sea|Praise god from whom all blessings flow|Purify my
heart|Reconciled|Reign in me|Rejoice|Restore o lord|Salvation belongs to our god|Say the
word|Seek ye first|Soften my heart Lord|Spirit of the living god|Such love|Tell out my
soul|Thank you for saving me|The crucible for silver|The king is among us|There is a
redeemer|There is power in the name of Jesus|There's a quiet understanding|These are the days
of Elijah|To be in your presence (My desire)|To you o Lord|We are marching|We believe|We want
to see Jesus lifted high|What a friend I've found (Jesus friend forever)|What kind of love is
this|When I feel the touch|When I look into your holiness|When the music fades|Who has laid the
earth's foundations|You laid aside your majesty|You're the lion of Judah