All through the night|Angels from the realms of glory|Of glory|As with gladness men of old|Auld
lang syne|Away in a manger|The borar's head carol|Carol of the drum|The cherry tree carol|A
child this day|Christ was born on christmas day|Christmas day|Christians awake|Christmas is
coming|Coventry carol|Come all ye shepherds|Deck the halls|Ding dong merrily on high|The first
noel|The friendly beasts|Fum fum fum|God rest ye merry gentlemen|Merry gentlemen|Good king
Wenceslas|The golden carol|Happy xmas (war is over) Lennon John|Hark the herald angels
sing|Have yourself a merry little christmas|Little christmas|Hear the angel voices|The holly
and the ivy|The holy city|I wonder as I wander|I believe in father christmas|I saw three
ships|In dulci jubilo|Infant holy|I heard the bells on christmas day|Christmas day|It came upon
the midnight clear|In the bleak midwinter|It's gonna be a cold cold christmas|Jingle bells|Joy
to the world|Last christmas Wham|Let there be peace on earth|March of the three kings|Mary
had a baby|Masters in this hall|Merry christmas everybody|Mistletoe and wine Richard Cliff|O
come all ye faithful (Adeste fideles Herbei o ihr Gläubigen)|O christmas tree|O little town of
Bethlehem|O come o come Emmanuel|O saviour sweet Bach Johann Sebastian|Once in royal David's
city|Pat three o'clock|Rise up shepherd and follow|Rocking|A root'n toot'n santa
claus|Saviour's day|See amid the winter's snow|Silent night|Sing shepherds|Sleigh ride|Song of
the crib|A spaceman came travelling|Sussex carol|The twelve days of christmas|Unto us is born a
son|Up on the housetop|Wassail song|We three kings of Orient are|We wish you a merry
christmas|What child is this (Greensleeves)|When santa got stuck up the chimney|Whence is that
goodly fragrance Oxley Harrison|Fragrance|While shepherds watched their flocks|Wonderful
christmastime McCartney Paul