Ain't it grand to be bloomin' well dead|Ain't nobody|All the way|Amorita (Fue mentira)|Angel
eyes|Annie Laurie|Anniversary song|Aranjuez mon amour|As long as he needs me|At the hop|Auld
lang syne|Ay cosita linda|Baia|The band played on|Beautiful dreamer|Because of you|Beyond the
blue horizon|Bless you|Blue velvet|The bluebells of Scotland|Bo diddley|Boiled beef and
carrots|Bony Moronie|Brazil|Brazilian love song|Burlington Bertie from bow|Buttons and bows|By
the fireside|Bye bye baby|Can you feel the force|Can't give you anything (but my love)|Can't
help falling in love Presley Elvis|Champagne Charlie|Chantilly lace|Chick Chick Chicken|Choo
choo samba|Cocktails for two|Come back to Erin|Come dancing|Come live your life with
me|Cruising down the river|Disco|Dancing queen Abba|Dear old donegal|Dinah|Dinner at
eight|Disco inferno|Dizzy miss Lizzie|Don't dilly dally on the water|Don't laught at me ('cause
I'm a fool)|Don't stop the music|Dream baby (how long must I dream)|Dreamboat|Everybody loves a
lover|Everything stops for tea|Fanlight Fanny|Farrago|Fascination|Feed the birds|Galway bay|Get
down on it|Giddy up a ding dong|The girl I left behind me|Girl talk|The glory of love|Good
golly Miss Molly Little Richard|Good times|Hava Nagila|He'll have to go|Hey look me over|Hi
heel sneakers|The hot canary|I came I saw I conga'd|I don't know why|I found lovin'|I get along
without you very well (except sometimes)|I hear music|I love you truly|I remember you|I will
survive Gaynor Gloria|I'd do anything|I'd like to teach the world to sing|I'll always be in
love with you|I'll take you home again Kathleen|If I had a talking picture of you|If I had my
way|If I were a bell|If I were a blackbird|If you're Irish come into the parlour|The isle of
Innisfree|Isn't it romantic|It's a long way to Tipperary|It's a most unusual day|Johnny be
goode Berry Chuck|Jungle drums|La Bamba Valens Ritchie|The lambeth walk|Le freak|Let's all
go down the strand|Let's all sing like the birdies sing|Let's put it all together|Lily of
Laguna|Lipstick on your collar|Lock lomond|The Lorelei|A lot of livin' to do|Love from a heart
of gold|Love really hurts without you Ocean Billy|Love's old sweet song|Lucille|Mambo in the
moonlight|Mambo italiano|Maria Elena|Maybellene Berry Chuck|Memphis Tennessee|Mexican hat
dance|Mona Lisa|More than a woman Bee Gees|The mountains of Mourne|Mull of Kintyre|My kind of
town (Chicago is)|My love|My love she's but a lassie yet|My wild irish rose|Night fever|No
particular place to go|Oh oh Antonio|An old fashioned love song|One two button your shoe|PS I
love you Beatles|Parade of the wooden soldiers|Peggy Sue Holly Buddy|The petite waltz|Phil
the fluter|A picture of you|Portrait of my love|Put on a happy face|Rasputin|Rave on Holly
Buddy|Reelin' and rockin'|Release me|Ring my bell|Rock and roll music|Rock around the clock
Haley Bill|Rock your baby|Rock a beatin' boogie|Roll over Beethoven Berry Chuck|The rose of
Tralee|Scotland the brave|See you later Alligator Haley Bill|Shake rattle and roll Haley
Bill|She was one of the early birds|She wore a yellow ribbon|Softly softly|The spinning
wheel|St Bernard Waltz|Stormy weather|Suddenly you love me|Sugarbush|Swedish Rhapsody
(Midsummer Virgil)|Sweet Genevieve|Sweet little sixteen|Ta ra ra boom de ay|That'll be the day
Holly Buddy|That's the way I like it|Thoroughly modern millie|Those lazy hazy crazy days of
summer|A time for us|Too ra loo ra loo ral (That's an irish lullaby)|Tragedy|Tutti frutti|Use
it up and wear it out|We are family|Welcome home (Vivre)|When I need you|When irish eyes are
smiling|Where will the dimple be|While strolling through the park one day|A white sport coat
(and a pink carnation)|Wives and lovers (Hey little girl)|Wonderful Copenhagen|You brought a
new kind of love to me|You light up my life|You're nobody 'til somebody loves you|Young at
heart|Young hearts run free