Ossian's Hymn to the sun|Wantonness|Steer her upa nd had her gawn|Jamie come try me|Ye
shepherds leave your flocks|The banks of Doon|Gillie Callum|Gloomy winter|Whistle an' I'll come
to ye my love|Logan water|The haughs of Cromdale|Niel Gow's Lament for the Death of his Second
Wife|I ha'e a wife o' my ain|Killiecrankie|Jenny's lamentation|Alas for me|Miss Admiral
Gordon's Strathspey|Lady Glenorchy|Lady Charlotte Campbell|A hundred pipers|Loch
Torridon|Muirland Willie|The lay of Fraoch|O can ye sew cushions|Auld lang syne