Banish misfortune|Carrickfergus|Comely garden Reel|Cooley's Reel|Da Forteit o' da ship|Da
mirrie boys o Greenland|Drowsy Maggie|Father Kelly's|Jack Lattin|Lord Kelly's Reel|Maggie
Lauder|Morrison's Jig|O'er Bogie|Roslin Castle|Sleep sound in da morning|Sleepy
Maggie|Soldier's joy|St Anne's reel|St Patrick's day in the morning|The Balleydesmond Polka|The
concertina Reel|The east nook of fife|The humours of Tulla|The kesh|The lasses trust in
providence|The maid behind the bar|The rights of man|The wind that shakes the
barley|Willajord|The parson and his boots