Still Not Equal: Expanding Educational Opportunity in Society addresses the successes and
failures of Brown v. Board of Education and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as well as the
continuing challenge of expanding educational opportunity in the United States and across the
Black diaspora. The educational political and social influence resulting from Brown the
Civil Rights Act and their progeny have shaped the dynamics of the collective educational and
social experiences of people of color. Notwithstanding the obstacles barriers and enablers
of educational occupational and economic status outcomes impact the formation and
interpretation of public policy specifically and public perception generally about
racialized notions of schooling and learning. The pursuit of educational access attendance
and attainment is intertwined with the implications of academic research and public policy to
improve local practices in school settings. Inasmuch as a diverse research agenda priorities
and activities become situated to critically address status and attainment outcomes in
education from preschool through adulthood for African Americans in the United States and
abroad the resulting complexities in education and other settings will continue to behave in
ways that cross racial lines.