Abide with me|All glory laud and honor|All hail the power of Jesus' name|All things bright and
beautiful|Amazing grace|Amen|A mighty fortress is our god|Angels we have heard on high|Away in
a manger|Battle hymn of the republic|Beautiful isle of somewhere|Beneatz the cross of
Jesus|Beulah Land|Blest be the tie that binds|Break thou the bread of life|Bringing in the
sheaves|Come Christians join to sing|Come holy ghost|Come thou almighty king|Come ye faithful
people come|Count your blessings instead of sheep|Crown him with many crowns|Fairest lord
Jesus|Faith|Faith of our fathers|Father lead me day by day|Father we thank thee for the
night|For the beauty of the earth|Give me that old time religion|Glorious things of thee are
spoken|Glory be to the father|God of our fathers|God's touch|God's watch|God that madest earth
and heaven|Go tell it on the mountain|Hark the herald angels sing|He leadeth me|He's got the
whole world in his hands|Holy god we praise thy name|Holy holy holy|I love thy kingdom lord|In
the cross of christ I glory|In the sweet bye and bye|I've found a friend|I would be
true|Jacob's ladder|Jesus calls us|Jesus christ is risen today|Jesus keep me near the
cross|Jesus lover of my soul|Jesus loves me|Jesus loves the little children|Jesus saves|Shall
reign|Jesus the very thought of thee|Jesus wants me for a sunbeam|Joyful joyful we adore the
(Freude schöner Götterfunken)|Joy joy joy|Joy to the world|Joy to the world|Just a closer walk
with thee|Just as I am|Kum ba yah|Lean on o king eternal|Let us break bread together|Let us
with a gladsome mind|Little drops of water|Lord you are my sunshine|Love divine all loves
excelling|More love to thee|Nobody knows the trouble I've seen|Now thank we all our god|O come
all ye faithful (Adeste fideles Herbei o ihr Gläubigen)|O perfect love|O little town of
Bethlehem|O master let me walk with thee|Onward Christian soldiers|O worship the king|Praise
god from whom all blessings flow|Praise him all ye little children|Praise to the lord|Rock of
ages|Shall we gather at the river|Silent night|Sign to the lord of harvest|Softly and tenderly
Jesus is calling|Stand up stand up for Jesus|Steal away|Sunday morning|Sun of my soul|Sweet
hour of prayer|Swing low sweet chariot|Take my life and let it be consecrated|Tell me the
stories of Jesus|The church's one foundation|The day of resurrection|The first noel|The king of
love my shepherd is|The strife is o'er|This is my father's world|We gather together|We plough
the fields and scatter|Were you there|What a friend we have in Jesus|When I survey the wondrous
cross|When the saints go marching in|Work for the night is coming