The Valuation Book contains the tools needed by anyone who wants to make a robust valuation of
a business. No detailed prior knowledge of business valuation is required - the book covers
everything you need to know including how to read relevant parts of company accounts and the
valuation tools (including DCF and multiples) that are used by professionals. Written by
academics who are also practitioners The Valuation Book provides a unique mix of theory and
practical application. It is designed around the authors' experience of teaching thousands of
people about valuation principles over the last two decades. Short accessible chapters with a
consistent structure and layout allow readers to build up their knowledge step by step. And
the book is fully up to date with accessible specialist chapters on integrating ESG into
valuations valuing immature companies identifying flaws in valuation models valuation for
mergers and acquisitions and more. The Valuation Book is a comprehensive introductory
valuation guide for investors managers accountants lawyers and anyone else who needs to
value a business.