Martha my dear Beatles|Across the universe Beatles|All I've got to do Beatles|All my
loving Beatles|All together now Beatles|All you need is love Beatles|And I love her
Beatles|And your bird can sing Beatles|Another day|Another girl Beatles|Any time at
all|Baby you're a rich man Beatles|Baby's in black Beatles|Back in the USSR Beatles|The
ballad of John and Yoko Beatles|Because|Being for the benefit of Mr Kite
Beatles|Birthday|Blackbird Beatles|Blue jay way Beatles|Can't buy me love Beatles|Carry
that weight Beatles|Come together|The continuing story of bungalow Bill Beatles|Cry baby
cry|A day in the life Beatles|Day tripper Beatles|Dear prudence Beatles|Dig a pony|Don't
let me down|Dr Robert|Drive my car|Eight days a week Beatles|Eleanor rigby Beatles|The
end|Every little thing Beatles|Everybody's got something to hide except me and my monkey
Beatles|Fixing a hole Beatles|Flying|The fool on the hill Beatles|For no one Beatles|From
a window|From me to you|Get back Beatles|Getting better|Girl|Give peace a chance
Beatles|Glass onion Beatles|Golden slumbers Beatles|Good day sunshine Beatles|Good
morning good morning|Good night|Goodbye|Got to get you into my life|Happiness is a warm gun
Beatles|A hard day's night Beatles|Hello goodbye Beatles|Hello Little Girl|Help|Helter
skelter Beatles|Her majesty Beatles|Here there and everywhere Beatles|Hey bulldog|Hey
Jude Beatles|Hold me tight|Honey pie Beatles|I am the walrus Beatles|I call your name|I
don't want to see you again|I don't want to spoil the party Beatles|I feel fine Beatles|I
need you|I saw her standing there Beatles|I should have known better|I wanna be your man|I
want to hold your hand Beatles|I want to tell you Beatles|I want you (she's so heavy)
Beatles|I will|If I fell Beatles|If I needed someone Beatles|I'll be back|I'll cry
instead|I'll follow the sun Beatles|I'll get you Beatles|I'm a loser Beatles|I'm down|I'm
happy just to dance with you Beatles|I'm In Love|I'm looking through you Beatles|I'm only
sleeping Beatles|I'm so tired Beatles|In my life|The inner light Beatles|It won't be
long|It's all too much Beatles|It's for you|I've got a feeling Beatles|It's only love|I've
just seen a face Beatles|Julia|Lady Madonna Beatles|Let it be Beatles|Like dreamers
do|Little child Beatles|Love of the loved|Love you to|Lovely Rita Beatles|Lucy in the sky
with diamonds Beatles|Magical mystery tour Beatles|Maxwell's silver hammer Beatles|Mean
mr mustard Beatles|Michelle Beatles|Misery|Mother nature's son Beatles|The night before
Beatles|No reply Beatles|Nobody I know|Norwegian wood Beatles|Not a second time
Beatles|Nowhere man Beatles|Ob la di ob la da Beatles|Oh darling Beatles|One after 909
Beatles|Only a northern song Beatles|Paperback writer Beatles|Penny Lane
Beatles|Polythene pam Beatles|Power to the people Lennon John|Rain|Revolution|Rocky raccoon
Beatles|Run for your life|Sexy Sadie Beatles|Sgt Pepper's lonely hearts club band
Beatles|She's came in through the bathroom window|She loves you Beatles|She said she said
Beatles|She's a woman|She's leaving home Beatles|Step inside love|Strawberry fields forever
Beatles|Sun king|Taxman Beatles|Tell me what you see Beatles|Tell me why|Thank you
girl|There's a place|Things we said today Beatles|Think for yourself Beatles|This boy
(Ringo's theme) Beatles|Ticket to ride Beatles|Tip of my tongue|Tomorrow never knows|Two of
us|Wait|We can work it out Beatles|What goes on Beatles|What you're doing|When I get home
Beatles|When I'm sixty four Beatles|With a little help from my friends Beatles|Within you
without you Beatles|The word|World without love Beatles|Yellow submarine Beatles|Yer
Blues|Yes it is|Yesterday Beatles|You can't do that Beatles|You like me too much
Beatles|You never give me your money Beatles|You won't see me Beatles|Your mother should
know Beatles|You're going to lose that girl Beatles|You've got to hide your love away