An exciting and supportive storybook for daydreamy children and their parents It's not easy
being a 10-year-old rabbit girl. Charlie's parents and her strict teacher Mrs. Lynx are
constantly finding fault with her: "Pay attention! Stop daydreaming!" Just as well she has a
second life as a famous pirate that she can escape to when things get too much. In her fantasy
world she experiences amazing adventures and fights against her enemy (who looks surprisingly
similar to her teacher). Luckily Charlie has her best friends at her side: the hardworking and
slightly shy duck Muriel and the cuddly bear Frida who would love to be a ballerina. Charlie
is struggling with endless homework exams bad grades and her forgetfulness. But then one day
in the Lost Forest she meets an unusual forest dweller who knows the value of daydreaming and
lets her in on an ancient secret ... A book to be read by or to daydreamy elementary school
children who would like to learn: how to concentrate better when learning at home and at
school why dreaming is also valuable how to discover their own strengths how to be better
organized and forget less. A story about school friendship and family relationships that is
thought provoking and invites conversations between children and parents. The book is also
ideal for reading in class.