This insightful book offers professionals a comprehensive guide for navigating the new way of
diagnosing and understanding personality difficulties and disorders introduced in the ICD-11.
Through in-depth clinical examples these experienced authors illustrate clearly how to
determine severity specify the five trait domains and interpret aspects of personality
dysfunction including specific combinations of trait domains. The book also provides
guidelines for differential diagnosis in relation to a range of other persistent mental
disorders clinical decision- making individualized treatment planning necessary treatment
intensity and psychotherapeutic focus. Readers will appreciate the exploration of available
standardized instruments for classification as well as the guide using the old classifications
in the ICD-10 and the DSM-5 with the ICD-11 guidelines in the appendix. This book provides a
roadmap for psychologists psychiatrists other mental health professionals and students to
use the latest advancements in classification to enhance patient care of people with
personality disorders.