Across the sea|The babbitt and the bromide|Because because|The best of everything|Bidin' my
time|Blue blue blue|Boy wanted|Boy what love has done to me|But not for me|Cinderelatives|Clap
yo' hands|Could you use me|Dancing shoes|Do do do|Embraceable you|Fascinating rhythm|Feeling
I'm falling|Fidgety feet|Funny face|The half of it dearie blues|Hang on to me|He loves and she
loves|High hat|How long has this been going on|I don't think I'll fall in love today|I got
rhythm|I love you|I need a garden|I was so young you were so beautiful|I'll build a stairway to
paradise|Innocent ingenue baby|Isn't it a pity|I've got a crush on you|The Jijibo|Kickin' the
clouds away|K r a z y for you|Kongo kate|Let em eat cake|Let's be lonesome together|Let's kiss
and make up|Limehouse nights|Little Jazz bird|Liza (All the clouds'll roll away)|Looking for a
boy|Lorelei|Love is sweeping the country Gershwin George + Ira|The love of a
wife|Mademoiselle in New Rochelle|Mah Jongg|The man I love|Maybe|Military dancing
drill|Mine|Micha yascha toscha sascha|My cousin in Milwaukee|My fair lady|My lady|My one and
only (What am I gonna do)|Night time in araby|Nobody but you|Of thee I sing|Oh Kay|Oh Lady be
good|Poppyland|Rosalie|Sam and Delilah|She hangs out in our alley|The signal|So am I|Some rain
must fall|Some wonderful sort of someone|Somebody loves me|Someone believes in you|Someone to
watch over me|Song of the flame|Soon|Strike up the band|South sea isles|Sweet and low down|S'
wonderful|That certain feeling|There is nothing too good for you|Tree times a day|Treat me
rough|Walking home with Angeline|We're pals|When do we dance|Who cares (so long as you care for
me)|Wintergreen for president|You and I