Focusing on the physics of the catastrophe process and addressed directly to advanced students
this innovative textbook quantifies dozens of perils both natural and man-made and covers the
latest developments in catastrophe modelling. Combining basic statistics applied physics
natural and environmental sciences civil engineering and psychology the text remains at an
introductory level focusing on fundamental concepts for a comprehensive understanding of
catastrophe phenomenology and risk quantification. A broad spectrum of perils are covered
including geophysical hydrological meteorological climatological biological
extraterrestrial technological and socio-economic as well as events caused by domino effects
and global warming. Following industry standards the text provides the necessary tools to
develop a CAT model from hazard to loss assessment. Online resources include a CAT risk model
starter-kit and a CAT risk modelling 'sandbox' with Python Jupyter tutorial. Every process
described by equations (pseudo)codes and illustrations is fully reproducible allowing
students to solidify knowledge through practice.