Think of the global economy as a jigsaw puzzle. At the heart of solving the puzzle and
addressing global disturbance and uncertainty lies three identifiable issues that need need to
fit: First income and other inequality within societies has been on the rise while
productivity and wage growth slowed and countries are burdened by debt. Second the market
power of the world's largest companies reached unprecedented levels raising questions on the
spread of innovation and productivity gains. And third the exploitation of natural resources
is leading to a deteriorating environment affecting the lives of many for the worse. The
debate over what caused this situation is still open: whether laissez-faire governments a
poorly managed globalization or the rise of technology that favors the few the possible
culprits are legion. In any case Schwab argues our current system has failed to properly
register and address many of the issues we are now faced with. What are the real causes of our
system's shortcomings and what are false positives? Do solutions lie in small adjustments to
our current system or a complete overhaul of it? And what best practices exist around the
world including Asia that would allow for better outcomes? There are no easy answers and no
single stakeholder can provide them. But it is certain that individual actors do have agency
and that policies matter when it comes to dealing with external forces. Moreover as success
stories from the Switzerland to Singapore and from Costa Rica to China show it is only when
government businesses and individuals all play their respective roles and agree on a social
contract with shared responsibility that societal outcomes will be optimal. Stakeholder
Capitalism addresss these problems and provides achievable answers to solve them. Piece by
piece this new book by Professor Klaus Schwab Founder and Chairman of the World Economic
Forum shares answers for all stakholders in the global economy rich and poor vested and
disenfranchised engaged or searching. The goal: to address problems and provide solutions
piece by piece stakeholder by stakeholder country by country world citizen by world citizen.