Forget far-away dreams of the future. Artificial intelligence is here now! Every time you use a
smart device or some sort of slick technology--be it a smartwatch smart speaker security
alarm or even customer service chat box--you're engaging with artificial intelligence (AI). If
you're curious about how AI is developed--or question whether AI is real--Artificial
Intelligence For Dummies holds the answers you're looking for. Starting with a basic definition
of AI and explanations of data use algorithms special hardware and more this reference
simplifies this complex topic for anyone who wants to understand what operates the devices we
can't live without. This book will help you: * Separate the reality of artificial intelligence
from the hype * Know what artificial intelligence can accomplish and what its limits are *
Understand how AI speeds up data gathering and analysis to help you make informed decisions
more quickly * See how AI is being used in hardware applications like drones robots and
vehicles * Know where AI could be used in space medicine and communication fields sooner than
you think Almost 80 percent of the devices you interact with every day depend on some sort of
AI. And although you don't need to understand AI to operate your smart speaker or interact with
a bot you'll feel a little smarter--dare we say more intelligent--when you know what's going
on behind the scenes. So don't wait. Pick up this popular guide to unlock the secrets of AI