Become a Java wizard with this popular programming guide Consider Beginning Programming with
Java For Dummies your indispensable guide to learning how to program in one of the most popular
programming languages--Java! Java is an invaluable language to master as it's widely used for
application development including Android desktop and server-side applications. Beginning
Programming with Java For Dummies is written specifically for newbies to programming. The book
starts with an overview of computer programming and builds from there it explains the software
you need walks you through writing your own programs and introduces you to a few of the
more-complex aspects of programming in Java. It also includes step-by-step examples you can try
on your own (and email the author if you need help). As you work through the book you'll get
smart about these Java features: * Object-oriented programming (OOP) a Java mainstay *
IntelliJ IDEA an integrated development environment (IDE) that gives you one place to do all
your programming including debugging code * Loops branches and collections * Variables and
operators * Expressions statements and blocks Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies
translates all this foreign programming and computer syntax into plain English along with
plenty of helpful examples and tips. Learning a new language--and coding is definitely its own
language--should be a fun endeavor. With this book as your handy interpreter you'll be on your
way to fluency speaking the language of coders everywhere!