Set and achieve your goals in a brand-new way for a more fulfilling life In What Works: A
Comprehensive Framework to Change the Way We Approach Goal Setting celebrated speaker coach
and author Tara McMullin shows you how to transform the way you set and achieve your goals to
create a gentler and more fulfilling way to work toward what you truly want. In the book
you'll explore what's driving your pursuit of more (more money more things more prestige
etc.) set commitments to help orient your growth and organize your actions as part of a
holistic learning process. The author's actionable strategies and tools go beyond mere
platitudes about slowing down and appreciating what you have to a concrete demonstration of how
to prioritize practice over achievement. You'll also find: * An antidote to our culture's
relentless pursuit of more * Ways to end the habit of constantly striving for something else at
the cost of your own wellbeing * Strategies for ending your internal monologue of constant
comparison to other people An essential book for the productivity obsessed unfulfilled career
ladder-climbers and overachievers who are ready to try a new approach to life and work What
Works represents a powerful and exciting new way to tackle life's challenges.