The go-to guide and workbook to help you get from intermediate to advanced-level in your
Spanish language study-now with even more audio recordings Bridging the gap between beginning
and advanced levels of Spanish language study Practice Makes Perfect: Intermediate Spanish
Grammar covers everything you need to know at the intermediate level. Based on the successful
approach of the Practice Makes Perfect series it offers comprehensive instruction
crystal-clear explanations and extensive practice to help you communicate more effectively and
move on to more advanced studies. Focusing on the practical aspects of communicating Practice
Makes Perfect: Intermediate Spanish Grammar Premium Third Edition provides comparisons with
English grammar to make understanding new information easier along with reading passages to
help you improve your vocabulary development and a variety of engaging exercises in varying
formats to give you ample opportunities to practice. As the most thorough and effective way to
reinforce and widen your knowledge and communicate more effectively Practice Makes Perfect:
Intermediate Spanish Grammar is an indispensable resource for reaching the next level of
mastery. A comprehensive guide and workbook to help you level up to advanced study Addresses
specific questions that intermediate language learners have Realistic example sentences
illustrate and clarify each grammar point Answer key provides both reference and quick feedback
NEW: Enhanced with new audio recordings via app of example sentences and answers to 150+