For courses in intermediate microeconomics. Using microeconomics to analyze and resolve
real-world policy and business problems Microeconomics presents economic theory in the context
of real data-driven examples and then develops students' intuition through Solved Problems.
The text places emphasis on modern theories that are useful in analyzing actual markets while
a step-by-step problem-based learning approach demonstrates how to use these theories to solve
business problems and analyze policy. The 9th Edition Global Edition has been substantially
updated with new or revised examples applications and problems so students can see how
real-world decisions being made in today's firms and policy debates. Hallmark features of this
title Applications help students review and apply concepts Balanced coverage of both
traditional theories (consumer theory theory of the firm and perfect competition) and modern
theories (game theory strategies uncertainty and moral hazard) is presented . A 5
Cross-Chapter Analysis creates crucial links between core theories covered in separate
chapters. It combines Applications with Solved Problems to give students hands-on practice to
sharpen their analytical and quantitative skills. What-If Policy Analysis. Economic models are
used to probe the likely outcomes of changes in public policies such as taxes subsidies
barriers to entry price floors and ceilings quotas and tariffs zoning pollution controls
and more. New and updated features of this title Coverage of the latest economic events keeps
students in the know NEW and UPDATED: Every chapter has been extensively rewritten to make it
easier to read and contains new and updated material . Topics include government policies
international climate agreements income tax and more. UPDATED: Real-World Examples use real
people companies and data to illustrate microeconomic theory. Applications helps students
review and apply concepts NEW and UPDATED: 142 Challenges present information and a series of
questions about important current real-world issues. NEW and REVISED: Solved Problems provide
students with a step-by-step model for working out qualitative and quantitative problems.
Hands-on practice lets students check their understanding NEW and UPDATED: End-of-Chapter
Questions draw from real-life events and issues from newspapers journal articles and other
sources. NEW: This edition contains 5 new features: Common Confusion Thinking Critically About
a Current Event Interactive Figures Spreadsheet Exercises and Review Questions.