In this latest book by the award-winning author of the hugely influential Male Daughters
Female Husbands Ifi Admadiume propels gender relations beyond dichotomies and discriminations
and towards a power-sharing argument in discourse contestation and resistance. Representing
the culmination of over 40 years of ground-breaking work on notions of matriarchy at the
intersection of the Igbo-African universe and the Western capitalist reality Amadiume sets
forth a blueprint for a bold new matriarchitarianism critiquing all forms of social injustice
with a shared matriarchal-relational humanism. In each chapter of the book Amadiume applies
these principles to a dazzling array of subjects: from religious leadership kinship and family
relations to sexuality creative writing and matters of conscience in race class and gender.
African Possibilities explodes our notions of matriarchy into original and compelling arguments
and offers a radical alternative approach to the world's entrenched injustices.