This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is
available on Hybrid Warfare refers to a military strategy that
blends conventional warfare so-called 'irregular warfare' and cyber-attacks with other
influencing methods such as fake news diplomacy and foreign political intervention. As Hybrid
Warfare becomes increasingly commonplace there is an imminent need for research bringing
attention to how these challenges can be addressed in order to develop a comprehensive approach
towards Hybrid Threats and Hybrid Warfare. This volume supports the development of such an
approach by bringing together practitioners and scholarly perspectives on the topic and by
covering the threats themselves as well as the tools and means to counter them together with
a number of real-world case studies. The book covers numerous aspects of current Hybrid Warfare
discourses including a discussion of the perspectives of key western actors such as NATO the
US and the EU an analysis of Russia and China's Hybrid Warfare capabilities and the growing
threat of cyberwarfare. A range of global case studies - featuring specific examples from the
Baltics Taiwan Ukraine Iran and Catalonia - are drawn upon to demonstrate the employment of
Hybrid Warfare tactics and how they have been countered in practice. Finally the editors
propose a new method through which to understand the dynamics of Hybrid Threats Warfare and
their countermeasures termed the 'Hybridity Blizzard Model'. With a focus on practitioner
insight and practicable International Relations theory this volume is an essential guide to
identifying analysing and countering Hybrid Threats and Warfare.