Abide with me|All things bright and beautiful|Amazing grace|Aria on Jewels|The ash grove|Be
thou my vision|Beautiful savior|Brother James's Air|Caricature of a sunday school song|Children
of the heavenly father|Come o thou traveler unknown|Come thou fount of every blessing|Come with
us o blessed Jesus|The gift to be simple|God renew us by your spirit|God who stretched the
spangled heavens|Guide me ever great redeemer|How firm a foundation|I heard the voice of Jesus
say|I love to tell the story|I need thee every hour|If god himself be for me|In Christ there is
no east or west|In thee is gladness|Just as I am withour one plea|The king of love my shepherd
is|Lead kindly light|My faith looks up to thee|My shepherd will supply my need|O Jesus king
most wonderful|O master let me walk with thee|Praise and Thanksgiving|Savior like a shepherd
lead us|Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling|There is a happy land|There's a wideness in God's
mercy|This is my father's world|Though I may speak|We praise you o god|When morning gilds the