Valeh Nazemoff recommends leaders apply what she calls mastermind intelligence to find strategy
sweet spots by being smart about financial customer and business data. Sonja Carberry Keep
Business Strategy in Motion to Stay Competitive Investor s Business Daily Jan. 8 2015 It
takes a lot of smarts to run a business but not just any smarts. Four specific mental skills
or intelligences will help make any entrepreneur more successful according to Valeh Nazemoff.
Minda Zetlin 4 Mental Skills Every Business Leader Needs Inc. Dec. 24 2014 Nazemoff offers
a framework to help business leaders sort through the endless barrage of data and make
decisions effectively ultimately helping business transform and grow to where you want it to
be. Nicole Fallon Business News Daily Dec. 17 2014 I highly recommend that you look at your
organization through the lens of The Four Intelligences of the Business Mind. If you do so
your business will improve in unexpected ways. Mark Waldman Executive MBA Faculty Loyola
Marymount University The Four Intelligences of the Business Mind uses a revolutionary
four-quadrant-based approach to teach you how to retrain your brain to optimize and transform
your business. Valeh Nazemoff has written an excellent book with a commonsense approach and
clear guidance. Shaun Khalfan Chief of Cyber Infrastructure Department of the Navy A new
pragmatic synthesis of organizational psychology business analytics and multiple
intelligences theory The Four Intelligences of the Business Mind lays out a scheme of four
discrete but interlocking types of intelligence essential to business success. These
intelligences are scalable and transferable from the individual leader to the organizational
ecosystem. This short book teaches executives first to analyze and train their own brains in
these four intelligences then to transform their organizations by applying their sharpened
quadruplex intelligence to their business analyses and decisions and finally to train and
incentivize their companies to map onto a collective organizational scale the mental
transformation modeled by the mastermind leader. The four essential business intelligences
identified by IT executive and organizational psychologist Valeh Nazemoff are financial
intelligence customer intelligence data intelligence and mastermind intelligence. Financial
intelligence informs your ability to reinvest and regrow your business boldly but prudently in
the light of predictive risk and business analytics. Customer intelligence informs your
ability to rethink your approaches to attracting and keeping customers using customer web
mobile social big data and behavioral analytics. Data intelligence informs your ability to
reinvent and recreate information in automated graphical representations to enable rapid
decision-making using visual cloud web and operational analytics AI and distance
collaboration platforms. Finally mastermind intelligence involves your ability through
leadership and team exercises to impart to your employees and organization the same
transformative honing and integration of business intelligences as you have undergone yourself.
Practical relevant insightful engaging and a pleasant read The Four Intelligences of the
Business Mind puts human decision making into a whole new light revealing practical steps that
will allow you to reinvent your business and customer relationships! James Brady PhD FHIMSS
Chief Information Officer Kaiser Permanente Orange County An invaluable book that shows you
how to harness the inevitable transformations in business by understanding your mind better.
Alan Komet Vice President Global Sales Operations FalconStor Software Inc. A must-read b