Pro JavaScript Techniques is the ultimate JavaScript book for today's web developer. It
provides everything you need to know about modern JavaScript and teaches you what JavaScript
can do for your web sites. This book doesn't waste any time looking at things you already know
but instead concentrates on fundamental vital topics what modern JavaScripting is (and isn't)
and pitfalls to be wary of. You will learn about the 'this' keyword as well as new object
tools. You will be able to create reusable code with encapsulation overloading and
inheritance. The most recent techniques for debugging and testing are covered comprehensively
with information on Chrome developer tools Jasmine PhantomJS and Protractor. This update
finishes with chapters on constructing single-page web applications that dominate the modern
web. The book is filled with real-world examples and case studies as well as numerous reusable
functions and classes to saveyou time in your development. You will learn the practical skills
needed to build professional dynamic web applications. Pro JavaScript Techniques is an
indispensable reference for any professional JavaScript web developer enhance your JavaScript
development today.