Digital Video Concepts Methods and Metrics: Quality Compression Performance and Power
Trade-off Analysis is a concise reference for professionals in a wide range of applications and
vocations. It focuses on giving the reader mastery over the concepts methods and metrics of
digital video coding so that readers have sufficient understanding to choose and tune coding
parameters for optimum results that would suit their particular needs for quality compression
speed and power. The practical aspects are many: Uploading video to the Internet is only the
beginning of a trend where a consumer controls video quality and speed by trading off various
other factors. Open source and proprietary applications such as video e-mail private party
content generation editing and archiving and cloud asset management would give further
control to the end-user. Digital video is frequently compressed and coded for easier storage
and transmission. This process involves visual quality loss due to typical data compression
techniques and requires use of high performance computing systems. A careful balance between
the amount of compression the visual quality loss and the coding speed is necessary to keep
the total system cost down while delivering a good user experience for various video
applications. At the same time power consumption optimizations are also essential to get the
job done on inexpensive consumer platforms. Trade-offs can be made among these factors and
relevant considerations are particularly important in resource-constrained low power devices.
To better understand the trade-offs this book discusses a comprehensive set of engineering
principles strategies methods and metrics. It also exposes readers to approaches on how to
differentiate and rank video coding solutions.