We live in a time of unprecedented planetary ecocrisis one that poses the serious and ongoing
threat of mass extinction. What role can critical pedagogy play in the face of such burgeoning
catastrophe? Drawing upon a range of theoretical influences - including Paulo Freire Ivan
Illich Herbert Marcuse traditional ecological knowledge and the cognitive praxis produced by
today's grassroots activists in the alter-globalization animal and earth liberation and other
radical social movements - this book offers the foundations of a philosophy of ecopedagogy for
the global north. In so doing it poses challenges to today's dominant ecoliteracy paradigms
and programs such as education for sustainable development while theorizing the needed
reconstruction of critical pedagogy itself in light of our presently disastrous ecological
conditions. Students and teachers of critical pedagogy at all levels as well as those involved
in environmental studies and various forms of sustainability education will find this book a
powerful provocation to adjust their thinking and practice to better align with those who seek
to abolish forms of culture predicated upon planetary extermination and the domination of