An aging population increasing obesity and more people with mobility impairments are bringing
new challenges to the management of routine and emergency people movement in many countries.
These population challenges coupled with the innovative designs being suggested for both the
built environment and other commonly used structures (e.g. transportation systems) and the
increasingly complex incident scenarios of fire terrorism and large-scale community disasters
provide even greater challenges to population management and safety. Pedestrian and Evacuation
Dynamics an edited volume is based on the Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics (PED) 5th
International 2010 conference March 8th-10th 2010 located at the National Institute of
Standards and Technology Gaithersburg MD USA. This volume addresses both pedestrian and
evacuation dynamics and associated human behavior to provide answers for policy makers
designers and emergency management to help solve real world problems in this rapidly
developing field. Data collection analysis and model development of people movement and
behavior during nonemergency and emergency situations will be covered as well.