Human Factors of Stereoscopic Displays provides an overview of all vision-relevant topics and
issues that inform stereo display design from a user-centric or human factor perspective.
Although both the basic vision science literature and the applied literature will be reviewed
the strength and originality of this book comes from the emphasis on the basic science
literature on human stereo vision and its implications for stereo display design.The reader
will learn how to design stereo displays from a human vision human factors perspective.Over the
past several years there has been a growing interest in the development of high-quality
displays that present binocular parallax information to the human visual system for inducing
the perception of three-dimensional depth. The methods for presenting binocular parallax to an
observer vary widely and include three broad categories of display: stereoscopic holographic
and volumetric displays. Because the technology for stereoscopic displays is more developed and
more widely used than those based on holography or volumetric methods the proposed book
addresses those human factors issues involved in the viewing of stereoscopic displays.Despite
the diverse methods for creating stereoscopic displays which includes stereo spatial
multiplexing as well as temporal multiplexing (i.e. field sequential) techniques there remain
common human factor issues that arise when viewing such displays. Human Factors of Stereoscopic
Displays will provide a detailed review of these important issues so that they can be
considered when designing and using 3D displays. In doing so the following topics will be
covered: interocular cross talk interocular differences in luminance and contrast
accommodation-vergence mismatch stereoanomaly spatio-temporal frequency effects distance
scaling of disparity and high-level cue conflict.body>