Computer processing and image analysis technologies have improved substantially over the course
of the past decade. This rapidly advancing technology along with the emphasis on video
surveillance since 911 has propelled the development of effective video image detection (VID)
systems for ?re. Fire protection system designers initially employed these VID systems for use
in large facilities outdoor locations and tunnels. However video-based detection is being
used for a broadening range of applications [e. g. 1]. For example these systems are c-
rently installed in electrical power plants paper mills document storage facilities historic
municipal buildings nuclear research facilities automotive plants wa- house distribution
centers and onshore and offshore oil platforms. The 2007 edition of NFPA 72 National Fire
Alarm Code [2] recognized the use of VID systems for ?ame and smoke detection. Although
recognized there is limited prescriptive installation and use requirements and there is a
general desire by many for the development of performance criteria that ultimately could be
utilized for the design of systems or the creation of standards. Since the underlying VID
technology and development of standard and network-based camera systems are in a period of
fairly rapid advancement [3-5] it is not possible to de?ne a comprehensive set of stand-alone
prescriptive requirements. The performance of VID systems depends on both the video hardware
and the software algorithms there is no basic underlying principle such as there is for
ionization or pho- electric detection for smoke detectors. Consequently performance-based
inst- lation and operation requirements are needed.