This book analyses the problematics of archaeological heritage management in the Canary Islands
which are echoed in other parts of the world where the indigenous heritage is
under-represented. The present-day management of Canarian archaeological heritage has a very
specific and unusual context given that the archipelago is located on the fringes of Europe
belonging to Spain and therefore to the European Unión but geographically and in terms of
early history being part of Africa. From a theoretical perspective then the proposed book
analyzes issues such as the effects of colonialism and eurocentrism on the management of the
archaeological heritage. It also examines the evolutionist and historico-cultural models used
to analyze past societies and ultimately used to create identities that influence
archaeological heritage management itself. From a practical point of view the book presents a
proposal for enhancing the archaeological heritage of the Canary Islands through the creation
of archaeological parks (providing some concrete examples in the case of the city of La Laguna)
and the active involvement of the local community. Parallel to this the book considers the
Canarian Archipelago as part of a problematic that is not unique to this area but is an example
of poor indigenous heritage management overall. It demonstrates how the course of history and
the politics of the past still have an excessive influence on the way in which the present-day
archaeological heritage is interpreted and managed. Therefore this book provides an almost
unique opportunity for uncovering the history of archaeology within the margins of Europe (in
fact in an African region) and exploring colonial and foreign influences. In many ways it is a
mirror of archaeological mainstreams and an exercise in (re)thinking the aim and status of
present-day archaeology.