This book is designed to be everything its title suggests-a practical guide to automation
within the food industry. It is the first book to offer practical advice on what can be a most
bewildering subject in an industry where the use of effective automation is of paramount
importance. There are many books dealing with the theory and practice of control systems in
both the food and other industries. However these tend to offer too much detail in both areas
to be classed as overviews or cover too much of the more obvious detail and gloss over or
avoid the elements where the decisions are hard-even though these are the areas which are
fundamental to successful and expansive projects. This book identifies those elements of any
automation scheme which have to be considered first and that form the foundations for any
successful project. The editorial introduction outlines the content of the book and is a useful
starting point. Examples are used wherever possible to show what can be done how it can be
achieved and what to avoid. A glossary of definitions is included at the end of the book. All
the chapters have been written by engineers with many years' experience in this field who
have been able to express their views freely. The result is a book which covers the key areas
of the subject using a minimum of the technical jargon with which this subject abounds in a
readable practical manner.