'[An] authoritative hands-on study ... Rogers mixes wonder with wake-up calls about
overfishing pollution invasive species and climate change along with proposals for
protection' Nature There's so much we don't know about the life that flourishes deep beneath
the surface of our oceans and the time to find out is growing increasingly precious...
Professor Alex Rogers has spent the past 30 years studying life in the deep ocean. In The Deep
he takes us on an epic and unforgettable voyage to an alien world introducing us to glittering
coral gardens submarine mountains and a range of bizarre and breathtaking sea creatures. In
doing so Rogers not only illustrates the ocean's enormous and untold impact on our lives but
also shows how we are damaging it catastrophically through pollution overfishing and the
insidious effects of climate change. Urgent and galvanising The Deep is a magisterial study of
a world we are only just beginning to understand - and a profoundly hopeful call to arms for us
to reshape our relationship with it before it is too late.