In this follow-up to her much-loved Year of Wonder award-winning violinist journalist and
broadcaster Clemency Burton-Hill continues her mission to demystify and open up the world of
classic music to everyone offering up one piece of music to listen to every day of the year.
Year of Music shows that whoever you are and wherever you come from classical music can be a
soundtrack for your everyday life. In curating this collection Clemency set out to represent
the widest possible picture of what the genre known as 'classic music' can be. Her accompanying
narrative full of anecdotes and emotion humanizes the creators of each piece of music. She
recognizes that classical composers can seem impossibly remote from our busy lives in the 21st
century. We don't think of these people as being 'just like us': relatable fallible and
flawed. Exploring the stories of the composers' lives and loves sorrows and joys she reveals
how relatable they still are to us today. The pieces of music included in this book will see
you through a whole year offering a soundtrack to your life as well as a reminder that in our
ever more frenetic and fragmented lives finding a space to sit and listen to a piece of music
every day can be a singular gift to yourself. Enjoy your year of music!