I3E 2001 is the first in a series of conferences on e-commerce e-business and- government
organised by the three IFIP committees TC6 TC8 and TC11. It provides a forum where users
engineers and scientists from academia industry and government can present their latest
findings in e-commerce e-business and- government applications and the underlying technology
to support those applications. The conference comprises a main track and mini tracks dedicated
to special topics. The papers presented in the main track were rigorously refereed and selected
by the International Programme Committee of the conference. Thematically they were grouped in
the following sessions: - Sessions on security and trust comprising nine papers referring to
both trust and security in general as well as presenting specific concepts for enhancing trust
in the digital society. - Session on inter-organisational transactions covering papers related
to auditing of inter-organizational trade procedures cross-organizational workflow and
transactions in Business to Business platforms. - Session on virtual enterprises encompassing
papers describing innovative approaches for creating virtual enterprises as well as describing
examples of virtual enterprises in specific industries. - Session on online communities
containing three papers which provide case studies of specific online communities and various
concepts on how companies can build and harness the potential of online communities. - Sessions
on strategies and business models with papers describing specific business models as well as
general overviews of specific approaches for E- Strategy formulation.