Ac cent tchu ate the positive|After you|After you've gone|Ain't misbehavin'|Ain't that a kick
in the head|Aisha|All my tomorrows|All or nothing at all|All the way|Allanjuneally|Alone too
long|Along came Betty|Always and forever|Among my souvenirs|Amor (Amor Amor
Amor)|Antigua|Aquellos ojos verdes (Green eyes)|Aren't you glad you're you|As long as I live|At
long last love|At sundown|Autumn in 3|Baia (Bahia)|Ballad for Trane|Bark for barksdale|Be
careful it's my heart|Bein' green|Bernie's tune|Besame mucho|The best thing for you|The best
things in life are free|Between the devil and the deep blue sea|Beyond the blue
horizon|Bijou|Bitches brew|Blackberry winter|The blessing|A Blossom Fell|Blue bird|Blue
champagne|Blue prelude|Bolivia|Born to be blue|Bossa antigua|Brazil|Breakin' away|The breeze
and I|Bud Powell|Buzzy|By myself|Bye bye baby|Caldonia (What makes your big head so
hard)|Careful|Cariba|Celia|Change partners|Cheek to cheek|Cheetah|Cheryl|Chicago (That toddlin'
town)|Come fly with me|Continuum|Copenhagen|A cottage for sale|Crazy|Crazy she calls me|The
creole love call|Cry me a river|Dark eyes|Day dream|'Deed I do|Dig|Diminushing|Don't ever go
away (por causa de voce)|Don't know why|Don't take your love from me|Don't worry 'bout me|Dream
dancing|A dreamer's holiday|Dreamy|Drop me off in Harlem|Early morning mood|East of the sun
(and west of the moon)|East St Louis toodle oo|East to West|Easy street|Eleven four|Elogie|The
end of a love affair|Ev'ry time we say goodbye|Everything happens to me|Ev'rything I
love|Exactly like you|The face I love|Falling in love again (can't help it)|Feel like makin'
love|Fields of gold Sting|Fine and mellow|For every man there's a woman|Freckle face|From
this moment on|Full moon and empty arms (based on Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto
2)|Funkallero|Get happy|Glad to be unhappy|The glory of love|Gone with the wind|A good man is
hard to find|Good morning heartache|Got a match|H + H|Happy hunting horn|Hard hearted hannah
(the vamp of Savannah)|Harlem nocturne|Haunted heart|Heart and soul|Heat wave|Here's to my
lady|High hopes|Hit that mess|Hooray for love|How are things in glocca morra|How deep is the
ocean (how high is the sky)|I ain't got nobody|I ain't got nothin' but the Blues|I can't
believe that you're in love with me|I concentrate on you|I could have danced all night|I cried
for you|I didn't know what time it was|I don't know enough about you|I don't know why|I don't
want to walk without you|I found a million dollar baby (in a five and ten cent store)|I got the
sun in the morning|I gotta right to sing the blues|I guess I'll hang my tears out to dry|I hear
music|I keep going back to Joe's|I left my heart in San Francisco|I like the likes of you|I
wanna be loved|I wish I were in love again|I wish you love|I wished on the moon|I won't
dance|I'll be around|I'll be seeing you|I'll close my eyes|I'll get by|I'll take romance|I'm
always chasing rainbows|I'm glad there is you (in this world of ordinary people)|I'm hip|I'm
old fashioned|I'm sitting on top of the world|I've got my love to keep me warm|I've got the
world on a string|I've got you under my skin|I've grown accustomed to her face|I've heard that
song before|I've never been in love before|If I didn't care|Ill wind (you're blowin' me no
good)|In a little spanish town ('twas on a night like this)|In her family|In love in vain|In
the cool cool cool of the evening|Indian summer|Interchange|Isfahan|It all depends on you|It
never entered my mind|It only happens when I dance with you|It's a big wide wonderful
world|It's a good day|It's a lovely day today|It's a most unusual day|It's been a long long
time|It's be lovely|It's impossible (Somos novios)|It's so nice to have a man around the
house|It's the talk of the town|It's too late King Carole|It's you or no one|Jamba|James|Java
jive|So danco Samba (Jazz 'n' Samba)|Jersey bounce|The Jive Samba|Just a gigolo|Just squeeze
me|Just the two of us|Kickin' the gong around|The lady is a tramp|The lady's in love with
you|Lazy afternoon|Lazybones|Learnin' the blues|Let there be love|Let's face the music and
dance|Let's get away from it all|Line for lyons|Line games|Linger awhile|Little girl
blue|Little shoes|Little white lie|Little Willie leaps|The look of love|Look to the
rainbow|Lost in the stars|Love|Love is a simple thing|Love letters|Love me or leave me|The love
nest|Love you madly|Lover come back to me|Lullaby of the leaves|Makin' whoopee|Mambo No 5 (a
little bit of)|The man that got away|Manhattan|Marmaduke|Mas que nada|Masquerade|I'm afraid the
masquerade Is over|Maybe I should change my ways|Mayreh|Mean to me|The meaning of the
blues|Midnight sun|Milestones|Mimi|Mona Lisa|Moon and sand|Moonlight becomes you|Moonlight in
Vermont|There ought to be a moonlight saving time|More (Ti guardero nel cuore)|More I cannot
wish you|Mountain greenery|My baby just cares for me|My blue heaven|My heart belongs to
Daddy|My heart stood still|My ideal|My lucky star|My man (Mon homme)|My melancholy baby|My
silent love|My sin|Nancy with the laughing face|Never let me go|Nevertheless (I'm in love with
you)|The night we called it a day|A nightingale sang in Berkeley square|No moon at all|Nobody
else but me|Norwegian wood Beatles|The odd couple|Old cape cod|On a clear day (you can see
forever)|On a slow boat to China|On the street where you live|On the sunny side of the
street|One for my baby (and one more for the road)|Out of this world|The party's
over|Passport|People|Perhaps|Poinciana (Song of the tree)|Poor butterfly|Pretend|A pretty girl
is like a melody|Pure imagination|Put on a happy face|Quizas quizas quizas (Perhaps perhaps
perhaps)|The rainbow connection|RE Person I knew|Red top|Reflections in D|Revelation|Ridin'
high|Rifftide|Rockin' chair|Romance without finance|Room 608|Rose room|Rosewood|Samba de
orfeu|Save the bones for Henry Jones|Say it isn't so|Say it with music|Seems like old
times|Segment|Sentimental me|Shawnuff|Shoo fly pie and apple pan dowdy|Sing you sinners|The
single petal of a rose|Sister Sadie|Skylark|A sleepin' bee|Small fry|Small world|So in
love|Soft lights and sweet music|Somebody loves you|Something wonderful|Sometimes I'm
happy|Song for Helen|Song for Strayhorn|The song is ended (but the melody lingers on)|Song of
the jet (Samba do aviao)|Soon it's gonna rain|SOS|Spring can really hang you up the most|Spring
will be a little late this year|Squeeze me|Stablemates|Stay as sweet as you
are|Steeplechase|Steppin' out with my baby|Stormy weather (Keeps rainin' all the time)|Sweet
and lovely|Swinging on a star|Take ten|A taste of honey|Teach me tonight|Teen town|Telephone
song|Ten cents a dance|The tender trap|That old black magic|That old feeling|Theme for
Ernie|There are such things|There goes my heart|There's a mingus amonk us|They say it's
wonderful|Things ain't what they used to be|This can't be love|This could be the start of
something big|This is all I ask (Beautiful girls walk a little slower)|Three little words|The
thrill is gone|Time after time|Time was|Too close for comfort|Too late now|Toot toot
tootsie|The touch of your lips|Trick|Try to remember|Two of a mind|Un poco
loco|Unforgettable|Upside downside|The very thought of you|Violets for your furs|The
visit|Wail|Walk on the wild side Reed Lou|Walkin' my baby back home|Watermelon man|What a
difference a day makes|What a wonderful world Armstrong Louis|What did I have that I don't
have|What I did for love|What now my love|When the sun comes out|When you're smiling|Where or
when|While we're young|Whistle while you work|The white cliffs of Dover|Whittlin'|Who's afraid
of the big bad wolf|Why did I choose you|Why don't you do right|Why try to change me now|Will
you still be mine|Wintersong|Witchcraft|With every breath I take|Wouldn't it be loverly|Wrap
your troubles in dreams (and dream your troubles away)|Yes indeed|You belong to my heart|You
better go now|You made me love you|You're blase|You're driving me crazy (what did I do)|You're
mine you|You've changed|Younger than springtime