This book introduces the problems facing Internet of Things developers and explores current
technologies and techniques to help you manage mine and make sense of the data being
collected through the use of the world's most popular database on the Internet - MySQL. The IoT
is poised to change how we interact with and perceive the world around us and the
possibilities are nearly boundless. As more and more connected devices generate data we will
need to solve the problem of how to collect store and make sense of IoT data by leveraging
the power of database systems. The book begins with an introduction of the MySQL database
system and storage of sensor data. Detailed instructions and examples are provided to show how
to add database nodes to IoT solutions including how to leverage MySQL high availability
including examples of how to protect data from node outages using advanced features of MySQL.
The book closes with a comparison of raw and transformed data showing how transformed data can
improve understandability and help you cut through a clutter of superfluous data toward the
goal of mining nuggets of useful knowledge. In this book you'll learn to: Understand the
crisis of vast volumes of data from connected devices Transform data to improve reporting and
reduce storage volume Store and aggregate your IoT data across multiple database servers Build
localized low-cost MySQL database servers using small and inexpensive computers Connect
Arduino boards and other devices directly to MySQL database servers Build high availability
MySQL solutions among low-power computing devices