This book provides a template with step-by-step instructions on how to respond and recover when
hackers get into your SCADA system and cause building equipment to act erratically or fail
completely. When hackers shut off the water turn off the building power disable the sewage
effluent pumps and activate the fire alarm you have to do something quick. It is even more
alarming that hackers can do all those things at the same time-even from the other side of the
planet. Not every equipment failure or power outage is a cyber-physical attack. When your
building is attacked you probably won't suspect it was a hacker-until you see a pattern. The
building control system (BCS) will act squirrelly and you will know-it really is a
cyber-physical attack. Once a cyber-physical attack occurs it can mean years of court cases
job losses higher insurance rates and maybe even criminal litigation. It also takes years to
overcome the loss of safety credibility to your employees and the local community.
Cyber-Physical Attack Recovery Procedures provides a detailed guide to taking the right steps
ahead of time and equipping your facility and employees with the training knowledge and
tools they need and may save lives. The book contains: A one-of-a-kind action plan describing
how hackers attack building equipment the extent of damage possible and how to respond when a
cyber-physical attack occurs. Detailed descriptions of cyber-physical attacks directed against
SCADA systems or building controls as well as cyber booby traps Invaluable appendices
including: Emergency Procedures Team Staffing and Tasking Alternate Site Procedures a
Documentation List Software and Hardware Inventories Vendor Contact Lists External Support
Agreements and much more. What you'll learn Possible ways hackers cancause building equipment
to fail. How to quickly assess the threat to his facilities in real time how to stop a
cyber-physical attack. How to restore equipment operation without doing any more damage. Who
This Book Is For Architects Engineers Building Managers Students Researchers and
Consultants interested in cybersecurity-attacks against facilities in the real world. Also for
IT professionals getting involved in cybersecurity responsibilities.