Reduce the time spent analyzing infrastructure modules while lowering your cost and resources
in the process. Most software project teams that develop custom software build the systems from
scratch. With limited budgets and time they often concentrate on the business functionality
and try to minimize or ignore the infrastructure functionality. This book shows you how to
develop flexible and and reusable modules that can be enhanced over time. Software
infrastructure modules are the base modules in any software system. This book examines the key
functionality supported by each of them and discusses the essential services for other
modules.You'll explore the infrastructure modules required in large enterprise projects and
each one will be explained with high-level use-cases wireframes and entities. Add
Infrastructure Software Modules for Enterprises to your company's library today. What You'll
Learn Review infrastructure modules and how they interact together or with other business
modules Understand the main functionalities provided by infrastructure modules Explore the
design of infrastructure modules via use-cases wireframes and entities Who This Book Is
ForProject team members that implement custom portals or software systems provided by public or
private sector organizations.