If you write emails and letters as part of your work then this book is for you. By applying
the suggested guidelines you will stand a much greater chance of getting the desired reply to
your emails in the shortest time possible. Some of the key guidelines covered include: Write
meaningful subject lines - otherwise recipients may not even open your mail. Always put the
most important point in the first line - otherwise the reader may not read it. Be concise and
only mention what is truly relevant. Write the minimum amount possible - you will also make
fewer mistakes! Be a little too formal than too informal - you don't want to offend anyone. If
you have two long important things to say say them in separate emails. Give clear instructions
and reasonable deadlines. If you need people to cooperate with you it is essential to
highlight the benefits for them of cooperating with you. Empathize with your recipient's busy
workload. Never translate typical phrases literally - learn equivalent phrases. The book
concludes with a chapter of useful phrases. There is also a brief introduction for trainers on
how to teach Business Commercial English.