The revised and expanded edition of this textbook presents the concepts and applications of
random processes with the same illuminating simplicity as its first edition but with the
notable addition of substantial modern material on biological modeling. While still treating
many important problems in fields such as engineering and mathematical physics the book also
focuses on the highly relevant topics of cancerous mutations influenza evolution drug
resistance and immune response. The models used elegantly apply various classical stochastic
models presented earlier in the text and exercises are included throughout to reinforce
essential concepts.The second edition of Classical and Spatial Stochastic Processes is suitable
as a textbook for courses in stochastic processes at the advanced-undergraduate and graduate
levels or as a self-study resource for researchers and practitioners in mathematics
engineering physics and mathematical biology.Reviews of the first edition:An appetizing
textbook for a first course in stochastic processes. It guides the reader in a very clever
manner from classical ideas to some of the most interesting modern results. ... All essential
facts are presented with clear proofs illustrated by beautiful examples. ... The book is well
organized has informative chapter summaries and presents interesting exercises. The clear
proofs are concentrated at the ends of the chapters making it easy to find the results. The
style is a good balance of mathematical rigorosity and user-friendly explanation. -Biometric
JournalThis small book is well-written and well-organized. ... Only simple results are treated
... but at the same time many ideas needed for more complicated cases are hidden and in fact
very close. The second part is a really elementary introduction to the area of spatial
processes. ... All sections are easily readable and it is rather tentative for the reviewer to
learn them more deeply by organizing a course based on this book. The reader can be really
surprised seeing how simple the lectures on these complicated topics can be. At the same time
such important questions as phase transitions and their properties for some models and the
estimates for certain critical values are discussed rigorously. ... This is indeed a first
course on stochastic processes and also a masterful introduction to some modern chapters of the
theory. -Zentralblatt Math