¿ ¿This manual provides laboratory-based learning experiences in perceptually and
psychosocially linked exercise assessment prescription and programming. The primary pedagogic
outcome is the ability to use applied theory and practice in perceptual and psychosocial
exercise assessment and program design to promote the adoption and maintenance of a physically
active lifestyle enhancing overall health fitness. Perceptual and psychosocial variables are
presented in individual stand-alone laboratory modules that can supplement existing curricula
such as exercise and sport psychology exercise physiology exercise testing and prescription
and exercise training and conditioning. In addition the complete modular set has a conceptual
flow that allows its presentation as an entire laboratory-based course. The laboratory modules
are divided into three primary units: assessment (theoretical constructs scales and procedures
tests) prescription (self-regulation performance) and program evaluation. The manual uses a
unique format in which case studies are embedded in the conceptual flow of each lab module
facilitating translation of laboratory results to real-world application. The manual concludes
with a discussion of perceptually and psychosocially linked exercise prescription and
programming applications in public health such as program monitoring and adherence.