In Synthetic Vision: Using Volume Learning and Visual DNA a holistic model of the human visual
system is developed into a working model in C++ informed by the latest neuroscience DNN and
computer vision research. The author's synthetic visual pathway model includes the eye LGN
visual cortex and the high level PFC learning centers. The corresponding visual genome model
(VGM) begun in 2014 is introduced herein as the basis for a visual genome project analogous
to the Human Genome Project funded by the US government. The VGM introduces volume learning
principles and Visual DNA (VDNA) taking a multivariate approach beyond deep neural networks.
Volume learning is modeled as programmable learning and reasoning agents providing rich
methods for structured agent classification networks. Volume learning incorporates a massive
volume of multivariate features in various data space projections collected into strands of
Visual DNA analogous to human DNA genes. VGM lays a foundation for a visual genome project to
sequence VDNA as visual genomes in a public database using collaborative research to move
synthetic vision science forward and enable new applications. Bibliographical references are
provided to key neuroscience computer vision and deep learning research which form the basis
for the biologically plausible VGM model and the synthetic visual pathway. The book also
includes graphical illustrations and C++ API reference materials to enable VGM application
programming. Open source code licenses are available for engineers and scientists. Scott Krig
founded Krig Research to provide some of the world's first vision and imaging systems worldwide
for military industry government and academic use. Krig has worked for major corporations
and startups in the areas of machine learning computer vision imaging graphics robotics and
automation computer security and cryptography. He has authored international patents in the
areas of computer architecture communications computer security digital imaging and
computer vision and studied at Stanford. Scott Krig is the author of the English Chinese
Springer book Computer Vision Metrics Survey Taxonomy and Analysis of Computer Vision Visual
Neuroscience and Deep Learning Textbook Edition as well as other books articles and