This book focuses on the structure and sociolinguistics of Nigerian Pidgin English. Its major
aim is to serve as a compendium which touches different major aspects of NPE as it has been
observed that earlier works in this area have focused only on one aspect or the other. It will
offer a broad survey of the form and functions of Nigerian Pidgin (NP) in different domains.
The book promises to investigate the use of NP in such domains as popular culture
advertisement social media and online discussion fora. One major strong point of this volume
is the fact that it will direct attention to different fertile areas of NP by focusing inter
alia on its social functions its morphology and syntax its regional varieties its
(possible) use as a viable medium of instruction in school the changing attitudes of people
towards its use the place of NP in relation to language planning and policy in Nigeria as well
as sociolinguistic variation within NP. The book will make a significant contribution to the
existing literature on NP as unlike earlier studies in this area it will explore the
grammatical sociolinguistic and perceptual aspects of the language. By bringing together the
expertise of renowned Nigerian and international scholars who have conducted research in this
area the volume will be an essential resource for researchers graduate and undergraduate
students interested not only in Nigerian Pidgin but also on contact linguistics.