Microeconomics and Behaviour third edition is an accessible yet intellectually challenging
and engaging textbook for students. It develops core analytical and technical tools and embeds
them in a collection of real-world examples and applications to illuminate the power and
versatility of the economic way of thinking. With this approach students develop economic
intuition and are stimulated to think more deeply about the technical tools they learn and to
find more interesting ways to apply them. This enables students to not just understand
microeconomics but to think like economists themselves and to develop a lasting interest in
the discipline. Key Features . Fully updated chapters including new and expanded material on
international labour markets the gig economy behavioural game theory and nudge theory. .
Extensive pedagogical features such as examples key terms and definitions in-chapter
exercises chapter summaries and review questions and problems. . Economic Naturalist
examples that show how economic principles can be used to explain experiences and observations
of everyday life. New examples include: "Why do firms benefit from the gig economy?" "Why is
self-checkout becoming the norm in shops?" and "Why do online retailers have flagship
stores?". Connect® Resources Available with McGraw-Hill Education's Connect® the
well-established online learning platform which helps faculty and institutions improve student
outcomes and course delivery efficiency. In addition to math's tutorials and SmartBook the
award winning adaptive reading experience the new Connect® features for this edition include:
. Economic Application Based Activities that provide students with valuable practice using
problem solving skills to apply their knowledge to realistic scenarios. Students progress from
understanding basic concepts to using their knowledge to analyse complex scenarios and solve
problems. . Economic Naturalist graphing questions which have been newly developed to
complement this key pedagogical feature from the textbook. . Interactive Graphs that help
students see the relevance of the subject matter by providing visual displays of real data for
students to manipulate. All graphs are accompanied by assignable assessment questions and
feedback for students. NEW TO CONNECT FOR 2023 In response to customer needs 58 brand new
Problems have been added to Connect to further develop students practical application skills
and cement theoretical understanding. To learn more visit mheducation.co.uk connect