A fun and super-practical guide to developing your psychic powers and using them to achieve
success and fulfilment in life offering tips and secrets from the world's most celebrated
paranormalist Uri Geller. Uri Geller would love to write a book revealing himself as a
trickster. It would be an instant bestseller: people around the world would be thrilled to know
that he really did fool the CIA and Mossad and scientists at the Stanford Research Institute
and the University of London. But he can't do it because he knows that his psychic powers are
real just as yours are too! This is a guide to releasing your PSI-FORCE and using it for
whatever purpose you want. Your psi-force will help you excel at sport outsmart your boss win
at games make friends attract a lover overcome illness and depression come to terms with
disaster be a financial success and above all be happy and content. But you must learn to
channel your psychic powers your way. Uri will teach you how to get the best out of your
particular talent using the dynamic force that is in you already just waiting to be awakened.
The book is packed full of tests to assess your own psychic potential and progress as well as
step-by-step guidance to connecting with and using psi-force from reading the intentions and
thoughts of others to out-psyching your boss and bank manager to drawing on psi-force to
manifest your desired outcomes.