Ain't misbehavin'|Ain't that a kick in the head|Alfie|All of me|All or nothing at all|All the
things you are|All the way|Alright okay you win|Angel eyes|Between the devil and the deep blue
sea|Bewitched|Beyond the sea|Blue in green|The blue room|Bluesette|Bye bye blackbird|Call me
irresponsible|Can't help lovin' dat man|Caravan|The coffee song|Come fly with me|Dancing on the
ceiling|Day by day|A day in the life of a fool|Dearly beloved|Desafinado (Slightly out of
tune)|Devil may care|Do nothin' till you hear from me|Don't blame me|Don't get around much
anymore|Dreamsville|East of the sun (and west of the moon)|Easy living|Falling in love with
you|Feels so good|Fine and mellow|A fine romance|Fly me to the moon|The frim fram sauce|Georgia
on my mind|The girl from Ipanema (garota de Ipanema)|Girl talk|God bless the child|Have you met
Miss Jones|Heart and soul|Hello young lovers|Here's that rainy day|Honeysuckle rose|How
insensitive (Insensatez)|I can't give you anything but love|I could write a book|I didn't know
what time it was|I get along without you very well (except sometimes)|I hear a rhapsody|I hear
music|I remember you|I should care|I thought about you|I'll be around|I'll never smile
again|I'll remember April|I'll take romance|I'm beginning to see the light|I'm old fashioned|If
I were a bell|Ill wind (you're blowin' me no good)|In a sentimental mood|In the wee small hours
of the morning|In walked bud|Invitation|Is you is or is you ain't my baby|Isn't it romantic|It
could happen to you|It might as well be spring|It never entered my mind|It's a most unusual
day|It's easy to remember|June in January|The lady is a tramp|The lady's in love with
you|Lollipops and roses|Love is just around the corner|Love letters|Lover|Lover man|Lullaby of
birdland|Lush life|Meditation|Misty|Mona Lisa|Moon river|Moonlight becomes you|More than you
know|My favorite things|My funny Valentine|My heart stood still|My old flame|My romance|My
silent love|The nearness of you|The night has a thousand eyes|A night in Tunisia|Nuages|Oh look
at me now|On a slow boat to China|Once I loved|One note samba (Samba de una nota so)|Out of
nowhere|Pennies from heaven|Pick yourself up|Polka dots and moonbeams|Prelude to a kiss|Quiet
nights of quiet stars (Corcovado)|Ruby my dear|Satin doll|Small fry|So nice|Some day my prince
will come|Some other spring|The song is you|Sophisticated lady|Stella by starlight|Stolen
moments|Stompin' at the Savoy|Street life|Suddenly it's spring|The surrey with the fringe on
top|Tangerine|Thanks for the memory|That old black magic|There's a small hotel|These foolish
things|This can't be love|Thou swell|Unforgettable|The very thought of you|Watch what
happens|Wave|The way you look tonight|When sunny gets blue|Where or when|While we're young|Why
do I love you|Witchcraft|Wives and lovers (Hey little girl)|Yesterdays|You are too
beautiful|You brought a new kind of love to me|You don't know what love is|You've changed