Climbing clarence|Sliding Sid|Swinging Susie|Daring Don|The back to front helmet man|Francesca
the flaming torch juggler|Josh the jet man|Jumping Jack|Check out Charlie|Trevor the trolley
loader|Pam the packer|Sam the stacker|Barney the baker|Fred the fishmonger|Bella the
butcher|Marlene the manager|Mrs Head the head teacher|Dr Bunsen the chemistry teacher|Mrs
Palette the art teacher|Mr Horn the music teacher|Sally sprint the pe teacher|Kevin Kiln the
pottery teacher|Mrs Microscope the biology teacher|Mr Atlas the geography teacher|Hayley
hen|Patelly the pig|Debra duck|Horace the horse|Tom the old tractor|Pauline parrot|Tony
turkey|Khaki the kid|Poppy parachute|Howard hanglider|Raymond rocket|Winston wings|Snoopy
skyscraper|Hetty hot air balloon|Marilyn mud monster|Meredith mud monster|Mini mud monster|Hush
a bye slush mud monster|Peter Punk Pixie|Ed the elf|Shaney the sprite|Norman gnome|Beryl big
wig|Signor Scraggini|Doris Drone|Prunella posh