Oswald the owner|Simon the sausage sizzling star|Ringo the rope man|Fazz the Saxophonist|Mad
Malarko Mouse|Dr Wilson the techno wizard|Zagger Zoologist|Basil boom the jungle
drummer|Smoothy the snake|Sokkittoomee headman|Elpmeaowt the extraordinary swinging cat|Billy
the boot|The peking puppet|Ting a ling a ling|Acrobatic Al|Nambo the napper|Kevin the
kipper|Alanis Alarm|Walter the smooth waltzer|Wayne the snappy waltzer|Manya the Mazurka
champ|Cross patch Craig|Blue baloo|Scruffy scrag bag|Gringo the grim giant|Clive the clapping
giant|Dave the dreamy giant|Binka the minor brave|Chill the major chief and Squattalot his
squaw|Barry bungee|The keyclub party